7 Little Words Answers for October 04, 2024 Updated

7 Little Words Answers for October 04, 2024 Updated

Friday, October 4, 2024

"7 Little Words" is a popular word puzzle game that challenges players with a set of clues and letter combinations to form words. For today, October 4, 2024, players are once again diving into a new batch of exciting puzzles. Each clue offers a fun mental workout, encouraging creative thinking and word-solving skills. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting, today's puzzle set promises to keep you engaged as you piece together words from the clues provided. Ready for some brain teasers and vocabulary fun? Let’s dive into today’s challenge and uncover the answers!

7 Little Words Answers for October 04, 2024

Daily Puzzle:

  • More groan-worthy: CORNIER
    (Describing something that's more cringeworthy or cheesy, often in terms of humor.)
  • Has importance: MATTERS
    (To be of significance or relevance.)
  • Matt Damon or Ben Affleck: BOSTONIAN
    (Both actors hail from Boston, Massachusetts.)
  • With child, in slang: PREGGO
    (A casual term for pregnant.)
  • Changed keys, in music: MODULATED
    (When a piece of music transitions from one key to another.)
  • Flax fiber: LINEN
    (A textile made from the fibers of the flax plant, often used for clothing and bedding.)
  • English "rock group": STONEHENGE
    (Refers to the prehistoric monument in England, a group of standing stones.)

Bonus Puzzle 1:

  • Green horseradish: WASABI
    (A spicy green paste often served with sushi, derived from the wasabi plant.)
  • Preceding in time: ANTEDATING
    (Happening before a specific time or event.)
  • Poison ivy outcome: RASH
    (A skin irritation caused by contact with poison ivy.)
  • Invisible: UNSEEN
    (Not visible to the eye.)
  • Feasted: GORGED
    (Ate large amounts of food in a short time.)
  • Jet's velocity: AIRSPEED
    (The speed at which an aircraft moves through the air.)
  • Paneling material: PLYWOOD
    (A material made from thin layers of wood glued together, often used for construction.)

Bonus Puzzle 2:

  • NBA superstar Kevin: DURANT
    (Kevin Durant, a professional basketball player known for his outstanding career in the NBA.)
  • Like the Goths and Teutons: GERMANIC
    (Refers to the tribes from ancient Germany, including the Goths and Teutons.)
  • 1987 Dennis Quaid movie: INNERSPACE
    (A sci-fi film where a miniaturized man is injected into another person.)
  • Largest city in Saskatchewan: SASKATOON
    (The most populous city in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan.)
  • Kind of number: ORDINAL
    (A number that shows position or rank in a sequence, like first or second.)
  • Fey and Poehler: COMEDIANS
    (Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, famous comedians and former "Saturday Night Live" cast members.)
  • Nothing short of amazing: MIRACULOUS
    (Something extraordinary or seemingly impossible.)

Bonus Puzzle 3:

  • Lemieux and Crosby, famously: PENGUINS
    (Both are famous hockey players who played for the Pittsburgh Penguins.)
  • Comic strips: FUNNIES
    (A term for the humorous or comic strip section in newspapers.)
  • Financial resources: MEANS
    (The money or assets available to a person or organization.)
  • Make amends for: EXPIATE
    (To atone or make reparations for wrongdoing.)
  • Copper, tin, zinc alloy: GUNMETAL
    (A type of metal alloy used in firearms and other applications.)
  • Exaggerate: OVERSTATE
    (To describe something as more significant than it actually is.)
  • Made hand-me-downs, say: OUTGREW
    (Refers to when someone has become too big to wear clothes they used to fit into.)

Bonus Puzzle 4:

  • Padded jacket of old: DOUBLET
    (A historical garment, padded and worn in Europe during the Middle Ages and Renaissance.)
  • Easy to get around: AVOIDABLE
    (Something that can be avoided or bypassed.)
  • Preliminary theorem: LEMMA
    (A proposition used as a stepping-stone to prove a larger theorem.)
  • Misty spray: SPRITZ
    (A light spray or mist of liquid, often from a bottle.)
  • Protuberant, as eyes: GIBBOUS
    (Describes bulging or swollen eyes, often used in a figurative sense.)
  • Circular: HOOPLIKE
    (Shaped like a hoop or ring.)
  • Bivouac: CAMPSITE
    (A temporary outdoor shelter or place where people camp.)

 Thanks for Checking Out Today’s 7 Little Words Crossword Answers!  

In conclusion, today's "7 Little Words" puzzle for October 4, 2024, offers a satisfying blend of challenge and entertainment. Whether you breezed through the clues or had to ponder over a few tricky ones, the joy of solving each word never gets old. These puzzles are not just about finding the right answers—they also help sharpen your mind and expand your vocabulary. So, as you wrap up today’s game, take pride in the words you've uncovered, and get ready for more fun in the next puzzle! Happy solving!